Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Very Busy Time Indeed

So today is again Wednesday. This past week as been insane!! I stressed myself into a migraine on Saturday while at the school Library attempting to finish the research for my lit review that is due this coming Monday. That didn't go according as planned, as on hour 2 of my allotted 5 a massive migraine the likes of which I have not experienced in over 3 years sent me packing, in tears all the way home. Once there I went straight to bed for 3 hours. God Bless my parents for keeping skid-a-mir-ink (my daughter) out of hair! So the being over, I did get my paper done and finished my powerpoint this evening. yay! Now we have to edit this massive group beast and I would rather do. . . . just about anything actually. Group papers are not on the top 1million list of things I like to do. So here's hoping we all come out in one piece and with an A!

Dinners have been going well! We had a DELICIOUS and AMAZING cheesy beef corn chip casserole thing last night (and the pics are now uploaded!) it was so good! I got it off again, but added all kinds of deliciousness to it, like black beans, corn, and tomatoes! Yum-Yum! Tonight we had Arbey's. Wednesdays are hard for dinner, I may have to look into investing in a crockpot recipe book to help with the hecticness of Wednesday night dinners!
               So this was the cheese melting on top :) The hamburger was done, taco seasoning added, onions, black beans, corn, I want left overs!!!!
           This is simmering in the pan, added he lettuce and corn chips to heat through.

         And the end result! So delicious and topped with sour cream....aaahhhhhh-mazing!

Skid-a-mir-ink started daycare on Tuesday :( Tax season is upon us! Ugh. She is really excited though. She apparently wakes up really excited in the mornings to go to daycare and see the kids :) They fingerpainted today, and we discovered that, for as much as she likes to paint, she does not like to fingerpaint. Apparently she kept wanting to wash her hands because they were dirty (haha) so her solution? To use only one finger! hahaha I love that little monkey!

As far as I know Sushi is still a go! I'm getting rather excited for it. I am excited to try something new! Jim and I are still reading the Bible, we both fell behind this weekend, but I caught up this afternoon and he is working on it now. We will complete this! I'm really liking reading it everyday. It was really nice at youth group tonight, because the talk was on reading the Bible (daily as much as possible) to gain wisdom and to grow closer with God and all that good stuff. It was affirming to me. I know that NOTHING bad can come out of us reading the Bible, which is great, because there isn't a lot that we can say "there is not even a fraction of a chance that nothing bad will happen here" as something can always go wrong in the worldly things that we attempt, but in reading the Bible? Nothing! Only good can come from it. "All scripture is God breathed" and I'm liking getting my "text messages" from God!

So plans for the upcoming? Finishing that stinkin paper and making it A worthy.

We also have a birthday party for one of the most handsome two-year-olds I know!

 This class will officially be over on Monday, after our presentations and I have to admit I am ready to be done. This 6 week class has taken soooo long! Perhaps because it's been over 6 weeks as we got a Christmas Break in there, but it feels like its been forever. Next stop, Quantitate and Qualitative Research Methods, and I'm sure in 2 weeks I'll be begging for Advanced Media again!

So here's looking forward to an amazing week! Sorry for the lack of visual stimulation on this one!


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