Wednesday, January 11, 2012

For Man Does Not Live by Bread Alone

The title of this post will be comical to those of you who KNOW me :) For those of you who don't so well, I'll let you in on a little known fact. I. Love. Bread. There I said it. I love bread. My daughter does too. We are a carb loving bunch! That being said, I am loving this reading the Bible in a year thing, BUT I fell behind!! ugh!! Not too far, only one day, but still. So my plan after this post is to catch up. THEN my plan of action is to bring an extra Bible to work so that I can read my passages when I get there, seeing as I get there early and it's better for my spiritual health than surfing the web waiting for my work day to begin. Okay, so I've got a plan. Good :)

Dinners are on track! Wahh-hooo!! Granted this is only week one (and only day two of cooking) but still! We might as well cerebrate the small accomplishments for without them there would be no great ones! So yesterday was Lasagna night! yum yum

 This was the making stage (notice the oh so yummy mozzarella in the background!). It was an easy recipe. I found it on (it's my number one go to) and it only took about 35min to make (including cook time!) With it I made a salad which was my own concoction of spinach, shaves carrots, zucchini, hard boiled eggs, blueberries (trust me on this one, they made it delicious), croutons and shredded mozzarella cheese all tossed in a greek vinaigrette!

Dinner was served! Everyone liked it and I had it all again for lunch today :) Leftovers are my favorite.

So tonight was a Breaded Tilapia with black bean salsa (again from I added corn to the black bean salsa and make some basic white rice. It was soooo tasty! And again, only about 30min to make! The "sauce" is a lime mayonnaise (sounds iffy I know, but it's wonderful). I also omitted the jalapenos because spicy food makes me cry :( So with a few amendments we had another great dinner! Athia has an issue with black bean though, and has every time I serve them and I have not gotten around it until tonight. While "stabbing" a piece of fish for her to eat (we're still working on manipulating silverware in every situation) I inadvertently got a black bean on the fork as well. She told me that she didn't like beans and refused to eat it. Now instead of telling her that she in fact loves beans (which is my normal tactic, tricking her into thinking she eats it all the time (judge if you want at least my kid eats her veeggies)), I told her this time, that they were not beans but they were in fact fish eggs and that they came that way with the fish. She questioned me "fish eggs?" but I insisted. Oh yes, and they're delicious. Her response? "ok I will try them" she took a bite and ta-dah!!! Guess who's kid ate almost every bite of her dinner? That's right. Mine. She apparently loves "fish eggs" and gobbled them up! She still wouldn't eat the tomatoes, but we'll save that battle for another time. So without further delay, tonights dinner:

It was very tasty (and yes I'm sorry I forgot to document the process, I was so hungry when I got home that I just fried up the stove!) Again, I've got leftovers for tomorrow's lunch. Score! Tomorrow's dinner? Nothing crazy, Tacos.

All that being said, I've got two, count 'em, two offers for sushi! Yay! My sister and a friend offered to take me to try it and we have a date tentatively set for the last Sunday in January. If it falls through, I don't know what I'll do. I would hate to fail at a resolution in month one! I'm not going to lie, I'm excited about it, but nervous at the same time. Something about sushi freaks me out, but I think it may just be the idea of "raw fish" which I learned not ALL sushi is! So knowing I can eat something cooked is much more settling on my mind.

I think that I have decided that learning to shoot a gun will have to wait until the spring time. I'm not sure shooting a gun with numb/frozen fingers is a good idea. Jim and I do have several offers to go shooting with some people though, so I am hoping that I will be able to contain the tears, not shoot anyone, and get over this silly fear!

With that being said and 4 chapters of the Bible ahead of me, I bid thee adieu! I am looking forward to the upcoming months. There is so much that will be happening! God is good and God is God. Amen. Keep it up 2012, I'm diggin' this so far!


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