Greetings! Sorry I have not written in a while, school over-worked my brain. However, now that I have an approved thesis topic that I am excited about, I can think and breath a little easier!
I have fallen way behind on my reading the Bible in a year! ahh! Good thing I have about 10 months to catch up! I have to read all of Leviticus and stay on top of everything else. It's definitely do-able but I don't want to rush through it either.
Sushi has a tentative date of next Saturday, so here's hoping that happens! It's a little dependent on JD an if he is back from his retreat in time. I did not do a lot of cooking this last week. Like I said, life was overly crazy for some reason. Skid-a-mirink and I have taken to having weekly "picnics" at church as I just can't seem to get dinner together on Wednesdays. I'm trying a slow cooker thing this week though, and I'm hoping that proves much more successful.
So JD is amazing and a saint :) I've been hating my bathroom for about 3 years now. More if you count the time that I was growing up in this house. My parents apparently have never been too into painting, as most of the bedrooms and bathrooms are stark white. I did paint my (now) room Tomato Bisque and A's room is Wild Wisteria, both of which are lovely and very calming. I have left the bathroom alone, because...well....honestly it seemed like too much work! I was talking to JD about it and how I hated it and the whiteness of it washed me out, and gave me a headache, and God love him, he offered to help me fix it! So I asked Daddy if he cared that I messed with his house some more and he basically said go for it. So with the go a head from Dad, JD and I headed off to Lowes.
I already knew that I wanted to paint it some shade of darkerish green. So we headed to the paint, to the Valspar and settled on a lovely shade of green that is escaping me right now. And of course I do not know where the color thing is at this point in time. (I'm also sick here, so I'm not really sure where anything is as I am in a bit of a fog). So to start with, I emptied out the bathroom.
See, Ugly white. No personality! |
Don't mind the tools! |
Yep, it's been like this since 1991.... |
So I was ready to start painting, when JD informed me that I should take the mirror off. I'm no painting/fix-it/remodel expert or even anything to close to it, so to be honest, I was amazed that the mirror just came right off! Of course JD did it for me, it's heavy ya know!
As you can see, we're all taped off as well. So ready, steady paint! We got the first coat on and from the moment the first pit of paint hit the wall, I was sold. I loved it.
Luckily we did not have to prime it, since it was white, we just washed down the walls with a little water and got to work! We got the first coat done while A was napping so that was nice. We had fun. JD is a great person to work with. Turns out he's great at edging (whereas I am an expert at painting the ceiling and baseboards! yes even with tape) and I'm pretty good at the overall coverage, so together we got it done pretty quick. I boo'd when we read the paining instructions though, as we had to wait 2 hours to put on another coat! So A got up, JD ran to the store (for dinner ingredients) I made dinner, the cheesy taco cornchip thing I made a few posts back, and sopipilla cheesecake. That was more for my buddy Jack's birthday, but it got made nevertheless.
While I made dinner, JD did the second coat I then put together a new picture frame for the bathroom and reorganized all the stuff. JD was a warrior while we painted, entering to say the least:
And the finished product!?
And all the people said: Amen! How much better is this?! OK please ignore the blue shade here. This also has been here since 1991 and to be honest I didn't even think of it as I picked the paint color. But IN a few weeks I hope to have that gone and something else in it's place! I love the green, especially with the orange accents. I added the picture frame, with some flower shots that I have taken, and I think it really adds some life to the room.
I also kept the original artwork that I had in here before. I got the painting in the Ukraine when I was there in 2007. It's a painting of the Opera house and I love it.
Needless to say, I'm happy. A walked in before we had it all back together and said "oh no Mom! The mirror!" I asked "what about it?" and her response was, " you painted over it!" hahahaha Oh little ones. when she saw it again after the mirror was back, she asked JD how we cleaned it off. haha
So all that said and done, I have tomorrow off work and I am so excited, especially since I'm sick. A and I will spend some time together then I'm dropping her off at daycare and spending a little time with 2 very lovely girls from 12:2. I'm excited for our thrift store shopping trip! I also need to get started on my research and get some cleaning done. Now that the bathroom is 90% done (JD is going to fix the door so it closes properly, I need a shelf in there and a new shade) I want to start working on something else! But what?? If only it were my own house....If my parents only knew the grand plans I dream up for their house. :)
2012 is shaping up to be an amazing year! I am loving all that has happened for far and cannot wait to see what else it brings!