Greetings! So this past Sunday I did it! I finally tried Sushi. Not going to lie, I still do not know how I feel about it. Parts were good, others were not. JD became a fan though! Skidamirink tried some cooked and then deep fried shrimp tempura and even liked it! I too was a big fan of that one, I could have eaten those all day! We went to a little restaurant in Stillwater that JD's mother likes, called the shanghai bistro. The place was lovely, great environment and very friendly staff. The staff was also very helpful in helping the newbees order some sushi.
This was our Poo Poo Platter App |
Spider Rolls |
JD working the chop sticks |
California Rolls |
My First Taste |
Jims First Taste |
Pondering...but he loved it |
Trying a Shrimp Tempura roll |
Pondering...but it was really good |
This one? This is that nasty Spider Roll |
Basically what I concluded was that, California rolls are mediocre at best. I did not like how sticky they were. Deep friend shrimp tempura is amazing, Shrimp Tempura rolls are tasty, but I'm not sure I could eat more than 3. Spider Rolls are the gross and I never want to eat one again. Overall I had fun and learned some new things. I also tried their egg drop soup because I love egg drop soup but theirs was not so tasty. It has mushrooms and red peppers and tasted weird, so that was a bummer. I'm not crazy about eating the whole shushi roll at once either. I would prefer to cut it in half which I did for some, but then it was a little messy. Surprisingly the seaweed did not bother me at all. It was actually pretty good. JD really liked it, and I think he'll be trying more. As for me? We'll see. I'm not sure I would actively seek it out again, but if it was around I may eat it.
That being said, today is the 1st of March! AHHHHHH!!! Where in the world did February go?! With March comes preparation for new thing number 3! What is that new thing? Well my friends, it is the Polar Bear Plunge on Lake Calhoun on Saturday March 3rd! I am plunging with a group from my work: The West Side Wipeouts and skidamirink will be participating in the PeeWee plunge! She is super excited to jump in a big pool with ice cubes. We held a fundraiser at work, so know that we will be in costumes, but you will just have to wait for my next post to find out what we will look like!
Other than than life is amazing. I'm still behind on my reading,but catching up a little more (almost) every day. Today is a "sick day" not for me but for my baby who was up throwing up most of the night. She's passed out on the couch currently giving me time to update! Not a lot is on the adgenda. I have every intention of getting homework done, we'll see how far I get though. I'm feeling a little over whelmed in that area, BUT God is in control and He will get me through all of it!
We're ready for March over here! Ready for the Polar Plunge, ready to work on my thesis, ready to live life!
On a side note, I did add a "follow by email" options for those of you who didn't want to sign up on the site, and I added a "share" tab at the bottom, in case I ever say anything so profound you feel like sharing it with others! Thanks!
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