Friday, April 19, 2013


Running. It's been dominating my Facebook and my Twitter feeds lately.

Running. Gut reaction?  ick.

Why do people run? What is this obsession with it? I understand the healthy lifestyle aspect of it, but I am honestly intrigued by this show of solidarity among runners. What is it that links them so tightly to people all over the world that they have never met? Friends on Facebook say "I too am a runner".... "my fellow runners".... I feel like it is this whole sub-culture I have never been fully aware of.

I have never liked to run.  Diagnosed  with asthma at a young age, I used it as a crutch to never take up running. I had a desire to run track when I was younger, but never acted on it. I was always told asthma was made worse by running. As I got older, I realized that was not necessarily true as I as able to play Lacrosse and ultimate frisbee just fine. So year after year, spring after spring I vowed to become a runner. I want desperately to like it. But it has never happened for me.

Perhaps this year, is the year it happens. While I have not started yet (I blame this insane ongoing "winter" we are having here) I am hopeful. My Love and I have signed up for 3...yes count them 3 5K's this year. I have no idea what we were thinking. 2 of these are Warrior Dashes and I am a little afraid of those, although perhaps they take the mundane out of running. I want to like it. I want to develop and hone it as a skill, as a lifestyle to stay healthy and active, to model to the girls and to bond with My Love. As I sit here, looking at 8inches of snow though, I'm not very excited about starting.

I've been pinning and reading articles about running (that's like osmoses for running right?) I should start reaping those rewards soon.... But I will be honest, I still and not confident about this. I have not succeeded yet in maintaining running as a life style. I want to like it. Honestly. I like walking, and what is running if not really fast walking ;)  Perhaps this will be the year. Perhaps by October I will begin to understand this sub-culture. Perhaps I will begin to understand what bonds these runners together and how the very act of running is seen as inspirational. I hope to have my eyes opened.

What about you? Runner? Not a Runner? Any advice for someone just starting out?

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